How Stress and anxiety Is Causing Your Digestion Troubles

We all have personal experiences of how long-term or intense psychological stress can impact our digestive systems. Ancient doctors of Chinese Medicine also theorized that the stomach (particularly the liver) was the seat of emotions. Modern science explains this phenomena by discovering that more than 90% of our neurotransmitters and hormones are made in the gut.

What Happens to Digestion When We're Stressed

Something not many of us know, at least logically it is that our digestive system is governed through the Central Nervous System that is one of the branches of the nerve system that is known in the "parasympathetic nervous system". In essence, the parasympathetic system is our "rest and digest" state. When we are at peace and stress-free does the parasympathetic system and thus digestion, become active.

When we enter a state of stress, our counterpart to the parasympathetic system; the sympathetic system, is activated. This stress-related state, or"flight-or-fight "flight or fight" response can stop digestion by cutting down blood flow to the digestive organs. It also blocks digestion fluid production, and sends the oxygen and energy of the biological system to muscle-skeletal system in preparation for the battle. شيك اوف

When the sympathetic system gets activated by stress for long periods, it can lead to digestive problems, inflammation, and weakening the immune system.

One way that stress can lead to common digestive issues is by creating spasms in the esophagus and altering stomach acid production. This leads to heartburn, acid reflux, and may cause you feel nauseous. Another instance is the effect stress has upon the colon. Intense stress increases the secretion of stress hormones cortisol serotonin and prolactin. These could cause the colon become hyperactive or tense which leads diarrhea or constipation.

When any of these conditions become persistent then the inflammation and ineffective functioning of the digestive system can ultimately lead to stomach ulcers, IBS or inflammatory intestinal disease.

How to Manage Stress for Better Digestion

Reducing total stress is not an easy task, it requires a holistic, multi-factorial approach. However, psychological stress is one of the primary, dominant stressors that negatively influence the digestive system. While identifying the root causes of stress isn't easy but there are a few simple things you can do to mitigate their effects.

One simple way to de-stress is to get involved in a fun, moderate exercise. Exercise relieves tension, clears us of our headsand boosts your mood and mood by releasing endorphins but also helps with the removal from stress-related hormones. The most healthful exercises include walking, hiking, biking and swimming, as well as dancing, yoga, thai-qi, and weightlifting.

Other excellent ways to lessen stress include:

Relaxation – People suffering from digestive problems are usually stressed out and don't relax enough. To achieve true, profound relaxation is more challenging in today's world, however it can be achieved with yoga, meditation as well as progressive muscle relaxation meditation, visualization, cognitive therapy, biofeedback and good music or spending time outdoors as well as camping, creating love, and working on a pleasurable project or hobby.

Communication therapy is a major source of psychological stress exists in the realm of communication. In reality, the majority of issues and stress originate from problems with communication. If you've been in an awkward situation, where you didn't think of what you should say or someone was not talking to you, you've experienced the anxiety that comes with inadequate communication. Reading books or taking courses in can be helpful in improving the quality of our lives as well as relationships, and can help reduce the stress. It is true that having a trusted friend or loved one you can freely talk to about your worries is a great stress-reducing factor. Personally, I've discovered that cognitive therapy can be a major help in relieving constant stress in my life. There are even studies that have demos rated 70% improvement in stress-related symptoms after 12 weeks of cognitive therapy.  

Nutrition - A bad diet can ruin a good digestive system. Poor nutrition can be an underlying cause of stress for the body However eating healthy foods can help curb the effect of stress. It is generally important to consume more protein and salt when stressed. Actually soldiers in the military must eat high protein meals to mitigate the catabolic effects of combat. It is therefore recommended to approach the issue from both sides nutritionally, in which you steer clear of unhealthy foods that increase your stress, and eat nutrient-dense, wholesome foods which help to replenish your stressed body.  شيك اوف علاج القولون

Pick your battles - The interesting thing about life is that the challenges seem to be valuable. If we had no problems in the first place, we'd bore in the end. Thus, the objective isn't to remove any stress or problems from our lives. Instead, we need to pick our problems wisely. Like, for instance, beginning a new fulfilling relationship will bring challenges However, at the end, all the issues will be worth it. Same goes for setting out on a brand new venture or goal. One good general rule of thumb is that any condition in life should have at least 80% satisfaction with 20 percent pain, the pain is the ideal level of stress that makes it interesting and allows us to grow.

In Conclusion

Stress from emotional and mental sources can create a variety of health issues for a healthy digestive system. Stress in general is inevitable, it seems to be a natural element of life. What's important is how we deal with our stress and problems, and also how we avoid it from becoming persistent. If you suspect that you're in a stressful situation and/or having symptoms caused by digestive strain, then these guidelines can be helpful. If you are experiencing stress-related issue, there are cognitive therapists, yoga or medication trainers who provide verified help.


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